A Spark Ignites: When Curiosity Calls to Learn Quran As a mom, we all wish to hear our child’s sweet melodic voice say: “Mommy, I want to learn Quran!” It ignites a whirlwind of emotions, doesn’t it? We moms suddenly face the Everest of “how”, especially when juggling a thousand and one tasks. Traditional classes […]
Confessions of a Hifz Mom
Confessions of a Hifz Mom – Tips for Children for Qur’an Memorization
Hifz for children Every parent dreams the best for their child and sometimes they are too quick to start Hifz classes for children. They wish that their children do better than them, in this world and in the next. We were no different. We desired eternal success for our children and this hadith was an […]
Confessions of a hifz mom – How the Journey Began
by Umm Zakariya I still remember that day so clearly when a meeting for the parents was called by the Islamic school my kids attended. They had called us to ask which parents would be interested in enrolling their kids for Hifz. My husband and I looked at each other. Our daughter was 6 years […]
Confessions of a Hifz Mom – Memory Boosting Foods for the Budding Hafiz
by Umm Zakariya What to feed the kids is a decision that is the bane of every mother’s existence. Especially if you have more than one. Even when you have one. Kids can be finicky. You may have one child who wants everything cheesy (cheesy pasta, cheesy sandwich, cheesy pizza, cheesy muffins, cheese on its […]
Confessions of a Hifz mom
what happens when the Quran is your world by Umm Zakariya Yes, we’re a type of mom. If the Oxford Dictionary had a definition for us, it would read thus, Hifz Mom / hɪfz mɒm/ noun. female parent, whose social emotional physical and psychological decisions are governed by what Juz her children are memorizing. I […]