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Qari Mohabat Ali Icon qutortested

US$ 15.00 /hour

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Learn Quran online with Qari Mohabat Ali:

Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, Alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah subhana wa ta'aala I've taught Basic Qaida with tajweed Recitation of Holy Quran and memorization of Holy Qur'an to over 1500 students over a period of 20 years in various madaaris and institutes, as well as one to one and online classes in the UK as well as around the globe via internet since 2000. I Initially gained Islamic and Quranic education from experienced and qualified Shuyukh in the UK. Then went to Pakistan where I spent 5 years completing Hifz of Qur'an , Tajweed , and Islamic studies. Alhamdulillah I started teaching in the UK in 2000 , in various Madaaris an Institutes also private tuition one to one tutoring, gaining a wealth of knowledge and experience in teaching youngsters and elders of all ages. Gained an Adult Teachers Qualification in 2012 to teach in college and higher education. I teach Qaida with tajweed pronunciation, also Quran recitation with tajweed implementation and Hifz. Islamic studies , covering Aqeedah , Fiqh , History, and Islamic history. All taught in English , Urdu , and Punjabi. Topics covered : * Qaida ( with tajweed pronunciation) * Quran Recitation ( with Tajweed implementation) * Hifz ( complete Quran memorization) * Islamic Studies : Aqeedah , Fiqh, History , Islamic Character. All subjects are taught fluently in English , Urdu or Punjabi. right from the start I teach the Arabic alphabet with correct and proper makhaarij (pronunciation) of every letter, and I teach each rule of tajweed seperately for the precise understanding of how each word and verse of the Qur'an is recited and rules implemented. making it very simple for students to learn or improve their recitation. within a few sessions you will notice a vast improvement in recitation and fluency insha'allah. For recitation I provide in depth mashq ( exercise , practice) training for improvement and fluency and beautifying recitation, working from a low level and working towards a very high standard insha'allah. For Hifz of Holy Qur'an I teach to the students need, and capability, letting them build their confidence and technique in memorization , giving full guidance and support throughout the memorization period. Insha'allah I am particularly looking forward and very keen to teach here and be part of, and alongside some of the most educated and experienced Quran tutors in the world on, because of its huge potential to reach out and benefit any individual around the world. Maybe I may also be blessed to teach on this prestigious of platforms that have provided to all around the world. I'm sure its an Honour for all tutors as well as students insha'Allah.

Book your online Quran classes
Age: 54 Years
Gender: Male
My Quran courses:
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English Urdu
Fiqh: Hanafi
Sect: Sunni
Self Employed
Nov 2000 - Present
Self Employed
Nov 2000 - Present
Aug 1999
Aug 1999
City and Guilds CERT ed Qualification 7307
May 2012
Hifz / Islamic Studies
Aug 1997
Aug 1999
Teachers Certificate of Education 7307
May 2012
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Recitation, Tajweed

03 Jul 2020

28 Nov 2020

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1 Students
0 Sessions
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Last Active:
3 months ago
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