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US$ 3.50 /hour

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Learn Quran online with Ali Adel Sherif:

Assalamo Alikom, How are you doing? كيف حالك؟ My name is Ali, you can call me Ustath Ali. We will learn, isa, Reading Arabic, Qur'an Recitation, Tajweed, Meanings of Ayaat (versus) and Hadeeth, and The life of the prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him). So get ready. Reading Arabic: -- We will use Noor Albayan (Al-hoda), which is a book specialized in teaching reading Arabic and Qur'an, as our main resource in this topic isa. -- At the end of this course, you will be able, isa, to read full Arabic words, and Qur'an versus. Qur'an Recitation: -- I'll be with you throughout this course to: * correct all of the recitation mistakes, * teach you how to read Qur'an with full of confidence, and * correcting yourself. Tajweed: -- Tajweed is an important thing when reading Qur'an, every Muslim should know how to read Qur'an without any mistakes that could change the meaning of a word or Ayah in the Qur'an. -- I'll teach you all the Tajweed rules starting from the very basic rule. Meanings of Ayaat: -- I'm certificated in Tafseer (meaning) of the last three Juz' of Qur'an. -- I'll use a very simple, easy Tafseer to make you understand the main meaning of the Ayah. Hadeeth: -- I'm certificated in (الأربعين النووية), which is (40+10) very important Hadeeth written by (الإمام النووى). -- We will understand the (الأربعين النووية) in very simple words isa, and try to practice it in our daily life. The life of the prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him): -- Have studied a very simple book about the life of the prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) and certificated in it. Remember the Hadeeth: It was narrated that Anas bin Malik said: "The Messenger of Allah said: "Allah has His own people among mankind.' They said: 'O Messenger of Allah, who are they?' He said: 'The people of the Qur'an, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him." Looking forward to working with you. Assalamo Alikum.

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Age: 26 Years
Gender: Male
My Quran courses:
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Arabic English
Fiqh: Sahfii
Sect: Sunni
Harf Online Industry
Oct 2018 - Feb 2019
Balligho Academy (non profit)
Apr 2020 - Present
Tafseer the last 3 juz' of Quran with Moddaker (مدكر)
Jun 2019
Reading, listening مختصر صحيح البخارى with عليكم بسنتى
May 2019
Reading, listening مختصر صحيح مسلم with عليكم بسنتى
Sep 2019
The life of the profit Muhammed (peace be upon him)
Mar 2020
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Recitation, Tajweed

27 Oct 2022

27 Oct 2022

No feedback yet
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Recitation, Tajweed

15 Jun 2020

01 Jul 2020

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2 Students
0 Sessions
Doha, Qatar
Last Active:
over 1 year ago
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