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Hafiz Khizar Icon qutortested

US$ 1.00 /hour

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Learn Quran online with Hafiz Khizar:

Hello there! My name is Hafiz Khizar, and I am thrilled to introduce myself to you. I am a passionate individual with a zest for life and a love for learning and Teaching. Born and raised in Haripur, Pakistan. My insatiable curiosity has led me on an exciting journey of education and personal growth. I hold a degree in Hifzul Quran and Tajweed. I am working as a Quran Teacher since July 2020. I am a native Urdu speaker but I can speak English fluently. I am a very hard worker, Punctual and as well a civilized and well-educated person. I had passed my Hifz ul Quran examination from Wafa qul Madaris . Professionally, I have gained valuable experience in Teaching Quran and Tajweed through work experiences. Also a medical student, currently studing surgery.

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Age: 20 Years
Gender: Male
My Quran courses:
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English Urdu Hindi
Fiqh: Hanafi
Sect: Sunni
Offline home Tution
Feb 2020 - Present
Online Teaching
Jan 2023 - Present
Hifzul Quran Certification
Feb 2022
Wafa QUl Madaris (Feb 2022)

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JAmia Masjid Farooqe azam (Feb 2022)

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0 Students
0 Sessions
Haripur , Pakistan
Last Active:
4 days ago
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