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Learn Quran online with Sameer Khalid:

Assalaam o aleykum, wa RaHmatullah e wa Barakaatuhu, My name is Sameer Khalid. I am a chartered accountant (ACCA affiliate) by professional education, but I bid farewell to this field in 2011 and adapted the learning and teaching of the Arabic language as a lifelong goal and objective. Thus, I have been teaching Arabic for nearly 7 years. My love for the Arabic language stems from my fascination with the Quraan and its status as the final message, guidance and miracle from Allah Ta'aala to mankind. It is the quest towards the understanding of the Message of Allah which He sent to me, and appreciating its miraculous nature in its language and composition which has kept me motivated over the span of many years (and continues to do so today). My goal is to impart the knowledge of Arabic to the Muslim community to help them understand the Quraan and benefit from its guidance without the need of translations. I received my training in Arabic Language under "Arabic for Ummah", an institute working for the spread of Arabic Language and unison of Language in the Muslim community. I have successfully completed my education in Arabic Grammar and other Quraan related subjects like Tajweed, Tarjuma, Tafseer , Seerah, Hadith and Basic introduction to Fiqh from The Quran Academy, which is renowned for its year-long courses in Arabic Grammar and Quranic Sciences. I have attended intensive Arabic Language Immersive Environment Programs lead by Sheikh Musa Abdul Ghaffar, Al-Iraqi in Karachi, Pakistan for an advanced level training in Arabic conversation. I have also attended NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) training sessions with M. Ibrahim Ali, a licensed NLP (TM) trainer. My teaching experience spans over 7 years at the moment with over a hundred students and numerous success stories. I have been conducting various courses in the Arabic Language, taking the participants, step-by-step through a proven process of learning how to Comprehend and Communicate effectively in the Arabic Language, within a short time span. I offer: MSA (Modern Standard Arabic), Classical Arabic and Arabic Grammar courses along with Teacher Training courses 1) Regular-Paced Courses 2) Intensive Courses 3) Personalized Tutorials, customized according to the students' needs at the following levels: - Beginners (3 months) - Intermediate (6 months) - Advanced (3 months) Anyone and everyone who wishes to communicate in and comprehend the Arabic Language may feel free to contact and embark on their journey towards learning this amazing language. Be it for understanding the Final Revelation of Allah (The Quraan) or the Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) or for pursuing lucrative work opportunities in the Middle east and other Arabophone regions - I cater to all these requirements.

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Gender: Male
My Quran courses:
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Arabic English Urdu
Fiqh: Hanafi
Feb 2011 - Present
Dec 2016 - Present
Generations School
Aug 2015 - Aug 2016
Codroba School
May 2015 - Jul 2015
Quraan Fehmi Course Part 2 -Quraan Academy Yaseenabad
May 2016
0 Students
0 Sessions
Karachi, Pakistan
Last Online:
21 days ago
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