Tasneem  avatar
Tasneem Icon qutortested (Cairo , Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Arabic Tajweed
My name is Tasneem, was born and raised in Egypt. I hold Bachelor Degree in English Literature, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University. I have ijazah in 'Asim recitation by the two narrators; Shu'bah and Hafs on the Shatibiyyah way. I have been...

Languages: Arabic English Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 10.00 /hr
1826 Sessions
Last Active:
6 hours ago
169 Students
Time Zone:
Hafiza Faryal Zahra  avatar
Hafiza Faryal Zahra Icon qutortested (Islamabad , Pakistan) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Tajweed
Assalamualaikum, I am a professional Quran teacher since 2012. I had a great experience through out the journey Alhamdulillah. I memorized the holy Quran at the age of 12 years and I have my certificate from DAR-UL-ULOOM FAREEDIA QADRIA institute...

Languages: English Urdu Hindi Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 5.00 /hr
713 Sessions
Last Active:
8 hours ago
51 Students
Time Zone:
Arnab Illiyeen avatar
Arnab Illiyeen Icon qutortested (Gopalgonj, Bangladesh) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Hifz Tajweed
Assalamualaikum, My name is Arnab Illiyeen. I am from Bangladesh. I graduated from an Arabic University on Islamic subjects with a good degree. I am a teacher of Hifz, Recitation, Tajweed for non-native speakers (for women and children). I have go...

Languages: Bengali English Urdu Arabic Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 4.00 /hr
686 Sessions
Last Active:
8 hours ago
51 Students
Time Zone:
Ms. Maryam avatar
Ms. Maryam Icon qutortested (Al Mansura, Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Tajweed Recitation
Salam, I am Maryam native Arabic speaker from Egypt ,,,, * In 2014 I graduated from Islamic studies faculty Al-Azher University. * After graduation I got Ijaza in recitation and (Hafs) Tajweed rules at 2015. * I have 1 year experience as Qur’an...

Languages: Arabic English Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 10.00 /hr
550 Sessions
Last Active:
7 hours ago
69 Students
Time Zone:
Rasha Hamdy avatar
Rasha Hamdy Icon qutortested (Monofia, Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star gray
I can teach: Arabic Tajweed
Asslamu alaikom wa rahmatollahi wa barakatu This's Rasha Hamdy. I'm Egyptian ( Arabic native speaker ) , I studied Qur'an with tajweed rules , I can speak English fluently, I teach Arabic & Qur'an online with Qaida nooraniah & tajweed for Englis...

Languages: Arabic English French Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 10.00 /hr
994 Sessions
Last Active:
18 hours ago
296 Students
Time Zone:
Obeda Hashmi avatar
Obeda Hashmi Icon qutortested (Mianwali, Pakistan) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star gray
I can teach: Recitation
I am obeda Sadiq belong to Pakistan. I am Hafiz.e.Quran and have done some Qirat courses. I have been teaching at female madrasa since 2015 and have considerable experience in the said field. I have done some special courses of how to deal student...

Languages: English Urdu Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 3.00 /hr
277 Sessions
Last Active:
13 hours ago
153 Students
Time Zone:
Hafsa Aamir avatar
Hafsa Aamir Icon qutortested ( Karachi, Pakistan) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star gray
I can teach: Arabic Tajweed Recitation
Assalamualikum I m Hafsa Aamir Arabic Teacher n I am teaching QURAN RECITATION for learners & Arabic Alphabets from beginning, and letters ,verses for beginners . IF you willing to correct your QURAN pronounce and Recitation & Tajweed { means...

Languages: Arabic Urdu English Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 9.00 /hr
260 Sessions
Last Active:
6 hours ago
52 Students
Time Zone:
Mai Mohammad Ahmad  avatar
Mai Mohammad Ahmad Icon qutortested (Alexandria , Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Hifz Tajweed
My name is Mai from Egypt . I'm a native Arabic speaker. I have five years experience as Quran and Arabic teacher for non Arabic speakers and seven years for native speakers, I memorized the Quran with tajweed from 12 years ago and have two ijaz...

Languages: Arabic English Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 6.00 /hr
515 Sessions
Last Active:
2 hours ago
311 Students
Time Zone:
Hufsa Hanif avatar
Hufsa Hanif Icon qutortested (Sargodha, Pakistan) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Tajweed
Assalam o Alaikum! I am Hufsa Hanif, a 26 years old Al Quran teacher (for females and children) from Sargodha. I am certified from Alhuda international welfare foundation Islamabad for tajweed. Else I have an experience of online teaching and the ...

Languages: English Urdu Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 2.00 /hr
181 Sessions
Last Active:
8 hours ago
65 Students
Time Zone:
Kanwal Awais avatar
Kanwal Awais Icon qutortested (Karachi, Pakistan) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star gray
I can teach: Recitation Tajweed
Brothers and Sisters Assalamu Alaykum "peace be upon you" I hope you are fine. My name is Kanwal Awais. I have completed the memorization of Quran, graduation in Arts, B.A. and a course from a well-known institute in the United Arab Emirates. I ha...

Languages: Hindi English Urdu Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 4.00 /hr
130 Sessions
Last Active:
12 hours ago
46 Students
Time Zone:

Female Quran Teachers For Quran Classes For Ladies

Unable to find female quran teacher at home? Find female quran tutors for online quran courses for women and sisters. Qutor can help you find best female quran teachers and online female quran tutors for ladies and sisters. Our platform provides you with easy access to female quran teachers that specialize in providing online quran classes for women and sisters from comfort of their home. Choose from our qualified and certified female quran teachers online that are available 24/7 to provide you with private quran tuition. Getting an online female quran teacher offers you more flexibility and privacy to take virtual classes anywhere and anytime. If you live in a country where you cannot find female quran teachers at home, then opt for Qutor to find female quran tutors online today.

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