Muhammad Hamza avatar
Muhammad Hamza Icon qutortested (Islamabad, Pakistan) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Hifz
Assalamu Alykum I am Muhammad Hamza. I have completed darse nizami (scholarship) 8 years and hifz Quran and tajweed course . Alhamdu lilah I can teach very well to the students who are beginners qaida and Quran. I have 8 years experience of online...

Languages: Hindi Urdu English Gender: Male
Hourly Rate:
$ 5.00 /hr
427 Sessions
Last Active:
less minute ago
160 Students
Time Zone:
Shekh Abdus Shakur  avatar
Shekh Abdus Shakur Icon qutortested (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Hifz Tajweed
* Assalamu Alikum. I'm a professional Quran teacher. I have been teaching Quran since my student life. I can teach Recitation, Hifz, Tajweed. I have taught many students all over the world online and face to face. * I'm from Bangladesh. By the ...

Languages: Arabic Bengali English Urdu Gender: Male
Hourly Rate:
$ 4.00 /hr
159 Sessions
Last Active:
11 minutes ago
49 Students
Time Zone:
Safaa Omar  avatar
Safaa Omar Icon qutortested (Alex, Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Tajweed Hifz Arabic
Assalamu Alikum, my name is Safaa Omar , I'm from Egypt , I studied Arabic at the collage of Arts , memorized Quran from about 16 years , taught Quran for Arabs from 16 years , and for non Arabian speakers from about 9 years , I completed my mas...

Languages: Arabic English Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 10.00 /hr
10545 Sessions
Last Active:
6 hours ago
290 Students
Time Zone:
Mohammed Moinuddin avatar
Mohammed Moinuddin Icon qutortested (Hyderabad, India) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Hifz Tajweed
Assalamu Alykum WrWb: My name is Hafiz and Qari Mohammed. I am 46 years old and from India. I have eight years of online Quran teaching experience. I completed the Qirat Hafs bin Asim course at the Dar-Alfurqan Madrasa in Alexandria, Egypt. I am...

Languages: English Urdu Gender: Male
Hourly Rate:
$ 8.00 /hr
3509 Sessions
Last Active:
6 hours ago
67 Students
Time Zone:
Sh. Saifulislam Al-Fiqi avatar
Sh. Saifulislam Al Fiqi Icon qutortested (Madina, Saudi Arabia) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Arabic Hifz Tajweed
Native Arab Quran tutor , from Madina , PhD Cndidate in Tafsir, and masters degree in Qira'at and Islamic studies , and many IJAZAH in the 10 qiraat and Hadeeth and many Islamic books and texts from Madina scholars , with many years of experience...

Languages: Arabic English Gender: Male
Hourly Rate:
$ 16.00 /hr
4801 Sessions
Last Active:
12 hours ago
240 Students
Time Zone:
Hoda Abdul Mawgood avatar
Hoda Abdul Mawgood Icon qutortested (Cairo, Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star gray
I can teach: Recitation Hifz Tajweed
Asslam Alikom.My name is Hoda Abdel Mawgood. I graduated from Cairo University Department of Oreiantel Languages. I memorized entire Quran by heart by the internet site it’s name is Hofaz AL wahien since 2008 (after knowing all its meaning as ...

Languages: Arabic English Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 8.00 /hr
2769 Sessions
Last Active:
17 hours ago
135 Students
Time Zone:
Muhammad Uzair avatar
Muhammad Uzair Icon qutortested (Peshawar, Pakistan) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Hifz Tajweed
AsalamAlykom warahamtullahi wabarrakatuh. Dear students and parents, I hope you all will be fine and passing good days. Are you looking for a teacher who can teach you Qaida, Nazira, Hifz and Tajweed? Well, My name is Muhammad Uzair. I am certi...

Languages: English Hindi Urdu Gender: Male
Hourly Rate:
$ 8.00 /hr
1386 Sessions
Last Active:
7 hours ago
55 Students
Time Zone:
Shaimaa Muhammed Ahmed avatar
Shaimaa Muhammed Ahmed Icon qutortested (Qena, Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Arabic Hifz Tajweed
I am Shaimaa Muhammed . I am from Egypt . I am professional Quran , Tajweed , Arabic language and Islamic studies Teacher for Non-Native speakers and also for Native speakers. I have three Ijazas in the Quran . And also I have Ijaza in Nour ...

Languages: Arabic English Arabic English Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 8.00 /hr
2152 Sessions
Last Active:
7 hours ago
168 Students
Time Zone:
Eman Muhammad avatar
Eman Muhammad Icon qutortested (Cairo, Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star gray
I can teach: Recitation Tajweed Hifz
Been in the field of Quran and related sciences for around 15 years, I have got certificate of advanced, extensive, practical and theoretical tajweed rules. Moreover, I have completed course on Qaeda Noorania which assists Quran students, particu...

Languages: Arabic English Gender: Female
Hourly Rate:
$ 8.00 /hr
2361 Sessions
Last Active:
5 hours ago
107 Students
Time Zone:
Abdulqader Huneidy avatar
Abdulqader Huneidy Icon qutortested (Monufiya, Egypt) Star red Star red Star red Star red Star red
I can teach: Recitation Arabic Hifz Tajweed
Multi-tasking teacher + 8 years experience in teaching others. I'm interested in teaching and the exchange of cultures. I am looking to spread Quran and its language all over the world. I'm Imam (Orator) at the endowments (Awqaf) ministry since 20...

Languages: Arabic English Gender: Male
Hourly Rate:
$ 10.00 /hr
1224 Sessions
Last Active:
4 hours ago
31 Students
Time Zone:
Just Muslim

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Finding best hifz tutors online is now easy with Qutor.com. Join online hifz tuition at home with experienced hifz teachers for kids, beginners and adults. Qutor helps you connect with top-rated hifz teachers online that will help you memorize Quran as per your schedule and your own pace. Our online hifz tuitions are designed to provide seamless experience while connecting hifz tutors with students for personalized and private interactions. Our certified hifz tutors specialize in teaching Quran memorization to students of all ages and levels. Our platform also provides students with ability to choose tutors for trial lessons, take notes, review lectures, and go over course material. The benefit of hiring private hifz tutors is that every student gets personalized tuition and undivided attention. Qutor.com is the only platform that lets you pay as you learn based on your classroom time. Moreover, you can also find affordable tutors that will help you take your Quran memorization to the next level. Choose from hundreds of native hifz tutors and browse hifz teacher profiles today. Signup and find experienced hifz Quran teachers and start your 1-on-1 hifz tuitions today.